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dc.contributor.authorL, Arnot,
dc.contributor.authorJ.K, Cheluget,
dc.identifier.issn2311 7575
dc.publisherManagement University of Africaen_US
dc.subjectWomen entrepreneurs’ access to finance services is crucial to the economic development and growth in a particular area. They need to have access to financial services to make their work easier regarding saving, investing and even insuring their businesses against disasters like the fire that can lead to many losses. Accessing financial services improves the living standards and reduces the economic dependency of individuals, families and even groups. It is a fundamental aspect towards poverty reduction and development of a particular area since it opens up employment opportunities, attracts both local and foreign investors, leads to the development of infrastructure and economic growth. The study aimed at exploring the factors affecting women entrepreneurs’ access to financial services in Migori County, West Sakwa ward. Given that their financial access restricted regarding options available, there are few m-past shops, one Equity bank agent and KCB mtaani agent, all owned by one person worsening the situation in case the owner has an emergency to attend to or is not around. Determination of the effects of financial exclusion and effects of economic illiteracy on women entrepreneurs’ access to financial services in Migori County, West Sakwa ward were the specific objectives. The study used random sampling method and 378 female entrepreneurs of Migori County, West Sakwa ward as the appropriate sample size. The study adopted descriptive design. The study was conducted in West Sakwa ward, Migori County. Data collection was done by using questionnaires; SPSS was used to analyze the data collected. The analyzed data was submitted in various forms; charts, graphs, and tables. The major findings of the study established that culture is the greatest barriers to access to financial services for the women entrepreneurs, small levels of education has had a great impact on their access to financial services, more than half of the respondents only have the primary school education. Key words: Independent Electoral Boundary Commission, International Monetary Funden_US
dc.titleAccess to financial services by women entrepreneurs in Migori County: A Case of West Sakwa Warden_US

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