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Conferences and Proceedings
Books of Abstracts
MUA Book Publishing Series
Newspaper articles
Past Examination Papers
Certificate past papers
Bridging Certificate
Bridging Certificate
CBIT certificate in BIT
CBT 100 Introduction to Computer repair and Maintenance
CBT 101 Basic System Analysis and Design
CBT 102 Introduction to Business Information Systems
CCP Certificate in Counselling Psychology
CCP 100 Fundamentals of Human Behaviour
CCP 101 Basic Counselling Techniques
CCP 102 Foundations of Psychology
CCP 103 Fundamentals of Human Growth and Development
CCP 104 Fundamentals of drug and substance abuse
CCP 105 Stress Management
CCU- Certificate Common Units
CCU- Certificate Common Units
CES Certificate in Entreneurship
CES 100 Book keeping for small businesses
CES 101 Entrepreneurship and the Business Start-Up Process
CES 102 Introduction to Business Law I
CES 103 People management in SMEs
CES 104 Business Planning
CES 105 Policy Issues in Entrepreneurship
CHD Certificate In Community Health And Development
CHD 100 Health Systems Strengthening
CHD 101 Health Record Systems
CHD 102 Foundations of Community Health Care
CHD 103 Fundamental of Community Counseling
CHD 104 Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation
CHD 105 Field Practicum and Report
CIR Certificate in International Relations
CIR 100 Fundamentals of International Relations and Diplomacy
CIR 101 Introduction to Business Law and Ethics
CIR 102 Introductory French
CIR 103 International Human Resource Management
CIR 104 Political Science and International Security
CIR 105 Principles of International Business and International Marketing
CIT- Certificate in IT
CIT 101 Concepts of Computer operating Systems
CIT 102 Introduction Website design and development
CIT 104 Introduction to Databases Management
CIT 107 Basic of C Programming
CIT 108 Introduction to Computer Networking
CIT 109 Foundations of Computer Organisation
CML Certificate In Management And Leadership
CML 100 Foundations of Economics
CML 101 Foundations of Business Ethics
CML 102 Foundations of Accounting
CML 103 Foundations of Leadership
CML 104 Foundations of Business Law
CML 105 Foundations of Marketing
CPM Certificate in Project Management
CPM 100 Fundamentals of Project Management
CPM 101 Introduction to Business Law
CPM 102 Concept of Resource Mobilization
CPM 103 Introduction to Project Planning and Implementation
CPM 104 Introduction to Purchasing and Supplies Management
CPM 105 Foundation of Project Financing
CSM Certificate in Supply Chain Management
CSM 100 Foundations of Supply Chain Management
CSM 101 Foundations of Business Ethics
CSM 102 Basic Cost Accounting
CSM 103 Warehousing and Stock Control
CSM 104 Basic Distribution and Materials Management
CSM 105 Basic Marketing Management
CBIT certificate in BIT
CHD Certificate in Health and Development
CIT- Certificate in IT
Diploma past examination papers
DBIT Diploma In Business Information Technology
DBT 100 Computer Repair and Maintenance
DBT 101 Introduction to System Analysis and Design
DBT 200 Essentials of Computer Applications
DBT 201 Introduction to Business Information systems
DCHD Diploma In Community Health And Development
DHD 100 Community Based Health Care
DHD 101 Gender and Community Development
DHD 102 Health Records and System Management
DHD 103 Health System Strengthening
DHD 104 Health and Community Development
DHD 105 Introduction to Ethics and community Development
DHD 106 Introduction to Information Systems Management
DHD 107 Program Monitoring and Evaluation
DCP Diploma In Counseling Psychology
DCP 100 Introduction to Psychology
DCP 101 Human Growth and Development
DCP 102 Theories of Counseling
DCP 103 HIV AIDS Counseling
DCP 104 Counseling Techniques and skills
DCP 105 Abnormal Behavior and Modification
DCP 106 Personality Dynamics
DCP 107 Drug and Substance Abuse
DCU Diploma Common Units
DCU diploma common units
DES Diploma In Entrepreneurship Studies
DES 100 Entrepreneurship and Development
DES 101 Managing Changes and Competition in MSMEs
DES 102 Technology and Innovation in Entrepreneurship Development
DES 103 Financing for MSMEs
DES 104 Quality Production and Service in Entrepreneurship
DES 105 Patenting for Intellectual Property Rights
DES 106 Planning for Entrepreneurship Growth and Sustainability
DES 107 Consultancy and Counselling for MSMEs
DIT 100 Concepts of Database Management Systems
DIT 101 Introduction to Software Engineering
DIT 102 Basics of Operating Systems
DIT 103 Introduction to Assembly Language
DIT 200 Fundamentals of Visual Programming
DIT 201 Concepts of Data communication and Networking
DIT 202 Introduction to Computer Organisation
DIT 203 Concepts of Internet based programming
DIR Diploma In International Relations And Diplomacy
DIR 100 Introduction to Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
DIR 101 Evolution of International Organisations
DIR 102 Introduction to International Business and the Law
DIR 103 International Security and Strategy
DIR 104 Cultures of Violence and Conflict
DIR 105 Gender in International Organisations
DIR 106 International political Economy
DIR 107 International Finance
DLM Diploma In Management And Leadership
DML 100 Introduction to Strategic Management
DML 101 Introduction to Human Resource Management
DML 102/ DSM 102 Procurement and Supply Chain Management
DML 103 Team Leadership and Group Dynamics
DML 104 Introduction to Operations Management
DML 105 Introduction to Marketing Management
DML 106 Principles of Leadership
DML 107 Professional Ethics and Conduct.
DPM Diploma In Project Management
DPM 100 Essentials for Project Appraisal, Planning and Implementation
DPM 101 Introduction to Resource Mobilization and Fund Raising
DPM 102 Introduction to Project Budgeting and Financing
DPM 103 Concepts of Risk Management in Projects
DPM 104 Introduction to Legal Issues in Project Management
DPM 105 Essentials of Project Procurement and Management
DPM 106 Basic Project Strategic Management
DPM 107 Fundamentals of Project Quality Management
DSM Diploma In Supply Chain Management
DSM 100 Warehousing and Inventory Management
DSM 101 Retail and Merchandise Management
DSM 102 Strategic Supply Chain Management
DSM 103 Procurement of Goods, Services and Works
DSM 104 Public and International Procurement
DSM 105 Logistics and Distribution Management
DSM 106 Legal Aspects of Supply Chain Management
DBT 200: Essential of computer application
DBT 201: Introduction to Business Information Systems
DCP 104: Counseling techniques and skills
DCP 104: Counselling Technique and skills
DCP 106: Drug and substance abuse
DCP 106: Personality Dynamics
DCP 107: Drug and substance abuse
DCU 100: Communication skills
DCU 101: Social skills
DCU 102:Introduction to Financial Accounting and Cost accounting
DCU 103: Basic Business Statistics
DCU 104: Introduction and ICT and Ethics
DCU 105: Principles of Entrepreneurship
DCU 108: Business Plan
DCU 109: Basic Business Research Methods
DES 104: Quality Production and service in entrepreneurship
DES 105: Patenting for intellectual property rights
DES 106: Planning for entrepreneurial growth and sustainability
DHD 104: Health and community development
DHD 105: Ethics and Community Development
DHD: Program monitoring and Evaluation
DIR 104: Cultures of Violence and Conflict
DIR 105: Gender and International Organizations
DIR 106: International political Economy
DIR 107: International Finance
DIT 200: Fundamentals of Visual Programming
DIT 201:Concepts of Data Communication and Networking
DIT 202: Introduction to computer organisation
DIT 203: Concept of Internet Programming
DML 104: Introduction to operation Management
DML 105 : Introduction to marketing
DML 105:Introduction to Marketing
DML 106 : Principles of leadership
DML 106: Entrepreneurship
DSM 104: Public and International Procurement
DSM 104: Public and International Procurement
DSM 105: Logistics and Distribution Management
DSM 106:Legal aspects of supply chain management
DSM 106:Legal aspects of supply chain management
Masters Past Examination Papers
MBA past papers
PHD Past Examination Papers
DLS 901 Theories of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
DML 900
DML 901
DML 902
DML 903
DML 904
Undergraduate examination papers
ACC 314 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACC 322 Advanced Management Accounting
ACC 323 Taxation Law and Practice
ACC 324 Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations
ACC 412: Auditing
ACC 413 Accounting Information Systems
BCM 115 Introduction to Business
BCM 121 / BUS 202 Business Law 1
BCM 212/ BML 101/ BUS 301 Business Law II
BCM 221: Accounting for Liabilities
BCM 222 Business Statistics
BCM 226 Management Decision Models
BCM 411 Managerial Statistics
BCM 412 Principles of Taxation
BCM: 213 Human Resource Management
BML 103: Business Mathematics/Statistics for Development Studies
FIN 311 Management of Financial Institutions
FIN 322 Financial Risk Management
FIN 323 Financial Law
FIN 324 Banking Law
FIN 412 Portfolio Management
FIN 413 International Finance
FIN 414 Portfolio Analysis Management
FIN 421 Security Analysis and Securitization
INS 311 Fundamentals of Acturial Science
INS 312 Insurance Principles and Practice
INS 313 Fundamnetals of Risk Management
INS 314 Risk Management and Life Insurance
INS 321 Insurance Products and Reinsurance
INS 323 Corporate Risk Management
INS 324 Law of Insurance
INS 411 Risk Assessment Control and Finance
INS 412 Advanced Property Insurance
INS 413 Advanced Liability Insurance
INS 414 Insurer operations and Regulations
INS 421 Emerging Issues in Insurance and Risk Management
MKT 424: Relationship Marketing
UCU 101/ BCM 124/ BUS 102 Principles and Practice of Management
UCU 403 / BCM 423 / UCU 301 Business Management Information Systems/ Management Information Systems
BCM 215/BML 200: Micro-Economics/Intermediate micro-economics
BCM 215: Micro-economics
BDS 100: Foundation of development : concepts critical issues
BDS 101: Social structure and Change
BDS 102/324: Legal aspect of development
BDS 103: Anthropology for development
BDS 104 Theories and Strategies for Development
BDS 105:Political and Economic development
BDS 106: Sociology and Developement
BDS 107/ PMT 400 Education Development/ Education Policies and Development
BDS 108/ BCM 113: Computer applications / computer studies
BDS 109: Statistics
BDS 200 Gender and Development
BDS 201: Technology and Development
BDS 201: Technology and Development
BDS 203: Community development
BDS 203: Community development
BDS 203: Community development
BDS 205 /BDS 325:Governance and Development
BDS 207: Development Finance
BDS 207: Development Finance
BDS 207: Development Finance
BDS 208 Health and Development
BDS 209/ BDS 216 Development Economics/ Development Economics and Finance
BDS 210/ BDS 217 Population and Development/ Environment, Population, and Development
BDS 211/ UCU 108 Environmental Science / Environment and Development
BDS 301/ BDS 413 Public Policy Analysis
BDS 301/BDS 413: Public Policy Analysis
BDS 302/BDS 215: Civil Society Development
BDS 303: Human Resource Management
BDS 305: Micro Finance for Enterprise Development
BDS 306/PMT 300:Project Planning, Design and Implementation
BDS 309 / BDS 414 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSME)
BDS 310 Public Sector Organization and Development
BDS 311 Ethics and Development
BDS 317/ UCU 107/ EMN 400 Disaster Management and Development
BDS 319 Development Planning
BDS 407 Project Leadership and Management Skills
CDV 300 Resource Mobilization and Grant Management
CDV 301 Community Health
CDV 302 Development Policies and Advocacy
CDV 401 Community and Administrative Practice
CDV 404 Peace Security and Conflict
ENM 403 Vulnerability to Environmental Cjhange
ENM 404 Environment Politics and Policies
PMT 301 Theoretical Foundations of Project Management
PMT 302 Project Management Tools and Techniques
PMT 402 Legal and Community Issues in Project Management
PMT 403: Strategic portfolio and project management
SWK 400 Human Behaviour in Social Environment
SWK 404 Contemporary Issues in Social Work
ACT 201 Financial Management
BUS 101: Introduction to Business
EAP 201 Curriculum Development
ECT 301 General Teaching Methods
EDP 202: Principles of guidance and Counselling
EDP 301: Psychology of learning and teaching
ENG 111: Introduction to the stud of Language
ENG 112: Introduction Description of English
ENG 113: Modern Grammar
ENG 131 Speaking and Listening Skills
ENG 212: Varieties of English
ENG 222: Pragmatics
ENG 411Advanced English Syntax
ENG 412 Advanced Description of English
ENG 416 Semantics
GEO 111: Human Geography 1: Early Development
GEO 112: Human Geography II: Major World Environments
GEO 222: Techniques in Geography II: Cartography
GEO 223: Techniques in Geography III: Statistical Method
GEO 415 Population Geography
GEO 416 Urban Geography
GEO 425 Remote Sensing
HIS 111: Selected themes in Kenyan History
His 112: Themes in East Africa History 1
His 113: Historiography of Kenya
HIS 115 Kenyan Government and Politics
HIS 211: Ancient Civilizations of Africa
HIS 213: Politics in Africa
HIS 221: Europe Before the 19th Century
HIS 241 Imperialism and Nationalization in Africa
HIS 421 History in the USA
HIS 432 Afican Women in History
HIS 434 Transformation of Europe
KIS 111: Misingi ya Lugha
KIS 112:Historia na maendeleo ya kiswahili
KIS 113: Mbinu za mawasiliano
KIS 223: Fasihi Simulizi
KIS 315: Mofolijia ya kiswahili
KIS 317 Sintaksia na Semantiki
KIS 318 Mbinu za Kufundisha
KIS 426 Isimu Jamii
LIT 111: Introduction to literary Genres
LIT 112: Theories and Concepts of oral literature
LIT 114 Children Literature
LIT 201: Poetry
LIT 202: East African Literature prose
LIT 302 European Literature
LIT 303 Creative Writing Project
LIT 400 Styles in Literature II
LIT 401 Modern European Literature
MTH 101: Basic Mathematics
MTH 102: Mathematics for science
MTH 121: Calculus 1-Differential
MTH 211: Linear Algebra
MTH 212:Discrete Mathematics
MTH 222: Calculus II-integral
MTH 225: Analytical Geometry
MTH 225: Analytical Geometry
MTH 424 Ordinary Differential Equation
MTH 433 Operation Research I
RES 100: Introduction to world religions
RES 111: Introduction to religion
RES 215: Sociology of education
RES 221:Introduction to the old testatement
RES 223: Islamic Theology of the old testament
RES 225: Islamic Theology and Principles
RES 316 Religious Ethics
RES 400 African Traditional Religion
RES 441 Contemporary Trends in Christian Theology
BCM 221: Accounting for Liabilities
BCM 312/BML 204: Entrepreneurship
BML 100/ BCM114/ ACT 212Financial Accounting I/ Financial Accounting
BML 103/ BCM 112: Business Mathematics/Statistics for Development Studies
BML 104 Introduction to Purchasing and Supplies
BML 105: Human Resource Management
BML 106/ BML 111/ BCM 125/ MKT 241 Principles/ Fundamentals of Marketing
BML 108/ BML 404/ ACC 312:Management Accounting
BML 108:Management Accounting
BML 200/ BCM 215 : Micro Economics/ Intermediate MicroEconomics
BML 202/ BCM 126 Quantitative Techniques
BML 203: Corporate leadership and Ethics
BML 204/ BCM 312/ BDS 214/ ENT 401 Entrepreneurship
BML 205/ BCM 214 Macro-Economics/ Intermediate Macro-Economics
BML 207 Team Leadership and Group Dynamic
BML 208 / HRM 314 Public Relations Management
BML 209/ BML 312/ BCM 422 Strategic Management
BML 210/ BCM 223 Company Law
BML 211 Money and Banking
BML 300/ BML 212/ BCM 217 Cost Accounting
BML 302/BML 401: Contemporary Issues in Leadership
BML 303 Operations Research
BML 305: Auditing
BML 3205 / BDS 412 Regional Integration
BML 400: Practice of consulting in Management
BML 424: Relationship Marketing
BML307/BML402/BCM225: Risk and Insurance Management
BMT 200 Microfinance Management
BMT 302 Economic Development
BMT 400 International Business Trade and Finance
BMT 401 Managerial Decision Making
BMT 402 / BCM 322 Production and Operations Management
BMT 404 Electronic Commerce
HRM 200 Human Resource Development
HRM 300 Industrial Relations
HRM 301: Industrial relations
HRM 302/HRM 405: Human Resource Counselling
HRM 323 Reward Management
HRM 401 International Human Resource Management
MKT 402 International Marketing
PSM 202
PSM 401 Production Planning and Control
PSM 402 E-Procurement
PSM 404 Procurement and Contract Management
UCU 104/ BML 400/ BDS 404 Practice of Consultancy
UCU 200
BDS 109: Statistics
BDS 304/EDV 300: Industrialization and Development
Research Publications by Staff/Faculty
Research Publications by Staff/Faculty
Research projects/ Theses/Dissertation
University Journal (IJMLS)
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 1 Issue 1
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 2 Issue 1
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 2 Issue 2
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 2 Issue 3
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 3 Issue 1
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 3 Issue 2
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 4 Issue 1
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 4 Issue 2
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 4 Issue 3
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS): Volume 5 Issue 1
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