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Analysis for marketing planning / Donald R. Lehmann.

by Lehmann, Donald R | Winer, Russell S.

Edition: 7th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5415.13 .L44 2008 (4).
Applied mathematics for business, economics and the social sciences / Frank S. Budnick.

by Budnick, Frank S.

Edition: 4th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New York : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 1993Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: QA 37.2 .B83 1993 (5), The MUA Library South C campusCall number: QA 37.2 .B83 1993 (11).
Basic marketing / William D. Perreault Jr.

by Jr., William D. Perreault | Cannon, Joseph P | McCarthy, E. Jerome.

Edition: 16th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2007Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5415.13 .C36 2007 (1).
Basic marketing : William D. Perreault Jr. a marketing strategy planning approach /

by Jr., William D. Perreault | Cannon, Joseph P | McCarthy, E. Jerome.

Edition: 17th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2009Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5415.13 .P47 2009 (3), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HF 5415.13 .P47 2009 (2).
Business and society : stake holders, ethics, public policy / Anne T. Lawrence. , James Weber

by Lawrence, Anne T | Weber, James.

Edition: 12th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New York : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HF 5387 .L39 2008 (1), The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5387 .L39 2008 (4). In transit (1).
Business english at work / Susan Jaderstrom.

by Jaderstrom, Susan | Miller, Joanne.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New York : Career Education, 1999Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: PE 1115 .J33 2000 (1).
Business, government and society : a managerial perspective / George A. Steiner.

by Steiner, George A | Steiner, John F.

Edition: 12th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New York : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 60.5 .S74 2008 (3), The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 60.5 .S74 2008 (3).
Commerce for kenya / R.N. Gichira.

by Gichira, R.N.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Macmillan Education, 1991Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 3893 .G53 1991 (2).
Corporate communication / Paul A. Argenti.

by Argenti, Paul A.

Edition: 3th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2003Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 30.3 .A74 2009 (1).
Corporate strategy & business planning / Roger Bennett.

by Bennett, Roger.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited, 1996Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 30.28 .B46 1996 (1).
Customer service : a practical approach. international edition / Elaine K. Harris.

by Harris, Elaine K.

Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Pearson Education Ltd, 2010Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5415.5 .L83 2005 (4), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HF 5415.5 .L83 2005 (3).
Dynamic business law / Nancy K. Kubasek.

by Kubasek, Nancy K | Browne, M.Neil | Giampetro-Meyer, Andrea | Barkacs, Linda | Herron, Dan | Williamson, Carrie | Dhooge, Lucien.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: KF 390 .D96 2009 (1).
E-business and e-commerce management : strategy, implementation, and practice / Dave Chaffey.

by Chaffey, Dave, 1963-.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Pearson Education, 2006Other title: Ebusiness and ecommerce management.Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5548.32 .C43 2007 (2).
Economics : a student's guide / John Beardshaw, David Brewster, Paul Cormack, Andrew Ross

by Beardshaw, John | Brewster, David | Cormack, Paul | Ross, Andrew.

Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Harlow,England : Pearson Education Ltd, 2001Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HB 171.5 .E26 2001 (2), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HB 171.5 .E26 2001 (2).
Entrepreneurship and small firms / David Deakins.

by Deakins, David | Freel, Mark.

Edition: 4th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2005Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 62.5 .D43 2003 (2).
Entrepreneurship and small firms / David Deakins.

by Deakins, David | Freel, Mark.

Edition: 5th Revised edition ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: London : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2009Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 62.5 .D43 2009 (1).
Essentials of econometrics / Damodar Gujarati.

by Gujarati, Damodar.

Edition: 3rd International ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2005Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HB 172 .G85 2006 (3).
Essentials of management information systems / Jane P. Laudon.

by Laudon, Jane P | Laudon, Kenneth C.

Edition: 4th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2001Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: T 58.6 .L38 2001 (5).
Foundations of marketing / David Jobber.

by Jobber, David | Fahy, John.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: London: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5415 .F34 2012 (1).
Fundamental accounting principles / phase 1 / John J. Wild.

by Wild, John J | Larson, Kermit D | Chiappetta, Barbara.

Edition: 18th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available :
Fundamentals of management / Mike Smith.

by Smith, Mike.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 31 .S65 2007 (2).
How to introduce target setting : a guide for trainers and managers / Richard Hale.

by Hale, Richard.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Kogan Page Ltd, 1993Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5549.5.G6 H35 1993 (1).
Human relations : strategies for success, student text / Lowell Lamberton.

by Lamberton, Lowell | Minor-Evans, Leslie.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Career Education, 2001Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5549.5 .L36 2002 (1).
Human relations in organizations : applications and skill building / Robert N. Lussier.

by Lussier, Robert N.

Edition: 7th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [Boston] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 58.7 .L87 2008 (5), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 58.7 .L87 2008 (1).
Human resource management / H.John Bernardin.

by Bernardin, H.John.

Edition: 4th edition ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5549 .B47 2007 (3).
Human resource management / Lloyd L. Byars.

by Byars, Lloyd L | Rue, Leslie W.

Edition: 9th Revised edition ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).
Introduction to business : how companies create value for people / Gareth R. Jones.

by Jones, Gareth R.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2007Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 31 .J66 2007 (2).
Introduction to information systems : James O'Brien. essentials for the the e-business /

by O'Brien, James.

Edition: 11th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : Higher Education, 2002Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: T 58.6 .O27 2003 (2).
Leaders and the Leadership Process Jon L. Pierce.

by Pierce, Jon L | Newstrom, John W.

Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 57.7 .P54 2008 (3), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 57.7 .P54 2008 (1). Lost (1).
Leading project teams : an introduction to the basics of project management and project team leadership / Anthony T. Cobb.

by Cobb, Anthony T.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, Inc, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 69.P75 C63 2006 (2).
Learning from case studies / Geoff Easton.

by Easton, Geoff.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New York : Prentice Hall, 1992Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 30.4 .E27 1992 (2).
Living strategy : putting people at the heart of corporate purpose / Lynda Gratton.

by Gratton, Lynda.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: BJ 1581 .G73 200 (1).
Logistics and supply chain management / Dr. Patrik Jonsson.

by Jonsson, Dr. Patrik.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Maiden : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 38.5 .J66 2008 (1).
Making managers / Charles B. Handy.

by Handy, Charles B | Gordon, Colin | Gow, Ian | Randlesome, Colin.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: London : Financial Times Prentice Hall, 1988Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 30.4 .H26 1988 (1).
Management : concepts & practices / Tim Hannagan.

by Hannagan, Tim.

Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2009Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 31 .H26 1998 (2).
Management communication : principles and practice / Michael Hattersley.

by Hattersley, Michael | MJannet, Linda.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 30.3 .H38 2008 (2), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 30.3 .H38 2008 (1).
Managerial economics / Christopher R. Thomas.

by Thomas, Christopher R | Maurice, S. Charles.

Edition: 9th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 30.22 .T46 2008 (3), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 30.22 .T46 2008 (1). Checked out (1). In transit (1).
Marketing management : knowledge and skills / J.Paul Peter.

by Peter, J.Paul | Donnelly, James.

Edition: 7Rev Ed ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2003Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5415.13 .P48 2004 (1), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HF 5415.13 .P48 2004 (1).
Modern competitive strategy / Gordon Walker.

by Walker, Gordon.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2009Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available :
Modern competitive strategy / Gordon Walker.

by Walker, Gordon.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2004Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 30.28 .W35 2004 (1).
New venture creation : entrepreneurship for the 21st century / Jeffry A. Timmons.

by Timmons, Jeffry A | Spinelli, Stephen.

Edition: 7th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Boston: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available :
Organizational behaviour : an introductory text / Andrzej Huczynski.

by Huczynski, Andrzej.

Edition: 6th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Harlow : Pearson Education, 2007Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 58.7 .B83 1997 (1).
People, communication and organisations / Desmond W. Evans.

by Evans, Desmond W.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: London : Trans-Atlantic Publications, 1990Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5726 .E93 1990 (5), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HF 5726 .E93 1990 (3).
The portable MBA in project management. Erick, Verzuh

by [Verzuh, Eric] | Verzuh, Eric.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Canad Wiley, 2003Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available :
Principles of financial accounting / chapters 1-17 / John J. Wild.

by Wild, John J | Larson, Kermit D | Chiappetta, Barbara.

Edition: 18th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [Boston] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HF 5635 .W55 2007 (1).
Production and operations management S.N. Chary.

by Chary, S.N.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: New Delhi: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: TS 155 .C53 2004 (4), The MUA Library South C campusCall number: TS 155 .C53 2004 (3). In transit (1).
Profit before measure : extraordinary results through attention to process and people / H.Thomas Johnson.

by Johnson, H.Thomas | Broms, Anders.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: [S.l.] : Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2000Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 31 .J46 2000 (1).
Project management for information,technology,business,and certification/ Gopal K. Kapur

by Kapur, Gopal K.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Upper saddle River,N.J : Pearson education, 2005Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: The MUA Library South C campusCall number: HD 69.P75 K37 2005 (2), KISAJU MAIN CAMPUSCall number: HD 69.P75 K37 2005 (2).
Public relations : concepts, practice and critique / Dr. Jacquie Yvonne L'Etang.

by L'Etang, Dr. Jacquie Yvonne.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2007Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available :
Quantitative methods for business and management / Frank Dewhurst.

by Dewhurst, Frank.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: London : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: No items available :
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